Living by design is so much better than living by default. For many years I let life happen to me. Like a ship without a rudder, I was subjected to the winds of life because I failed to show up. I didn’t show up because I didn’t know how; I didn’t show up because I didn’t know what I wanted. However, I knew I was living way below my potential and I knew I wanted a better life but I did not know what that would look like for me. Not until I created a vision of what I wanted did I begin to harness life’s winds so that I could live purposefully.
Showing up is being an active participant in creating what we want. Showing up is also being attuned to the areas of our lives where we may need help and courageous enough to seek it. Living by design empowers us to make things happen, and when we do this we boldly and confidently walk through the world. So for anyone reading this, if you have been living by default and subjecting yourself to someone else’s whims, it’s not too late to take the helm and steer yourself to your ideal life.
Be Inspired,
Hope Fuller, The Hope Strategist™