Re-Position Your Position – Part 1

I chose my career path on the “I’m about to get paid!!!!” factor.  When I was in college, I selected Accounting as my field of study based on US News & World Report’s “Best Professions” rankings.  #shortsighted

During that time of my life, I was focused on the wrong things and did not understand the importance of making work that mattered to me a priority; I didn’t even have the forethought to think like that. So I pursued a career that would pay me a good salary and as a result, I was an accounting professional for yearssssssss. Even though my profession had, at one time been fulfilling, I gradually grew to despise it.

However, one day in 2008, the clouds rolled back and the sun shone down on me; the firm I was working for declared bankruptcy and was going out of business… and I was about to be unemployed. Being unemployed, especially when you have financial responsibilities, does not sound like a blessing; it sounds frightening…and it was…but it was an opportunity for me to take stock of what I wanted and reposition my position.  I no longer had the option of clinging to the security of my job nor did I have to justify quitting a “good” job for personal fulfillment.

Fortunately, before the firm hastened my departure, I had already figured out what my career move was and had been planning my escape from accounting-traz. Just as I did, many people struggle with the same issue of job dissatisfaction even though they may have successful careers…but we all know that success does not equate with satisfaction. According to CBS News Money Watch, 67% of U.S. Workers aren’t engaged in or are actively disengaged from their jobs.

To inspire those that are thinking about escaping from a “career Alcatraz” and are ready to make a move, I offer this advice:

Step 1.      Use Hope to Renew Your Mindset. Key to renewing your mindset is having HOPE that the professional life of your dreams is possible for you. YOU MUST BELIEVE THAT IT IS POSSIBLE! You will never make the necessary moves if you allow fear to control you and tell you aren’t capable of more.  Fear’s purpose is to protect you and in this case, keep you stuck in the status quo. It shows up in the form of negative self-talk. You should then identify your internal negative message.  What are you telling yourself?  “I’m too old”, “They won’t let me”, write it down.  These messages are stories that we use to support the fact that we have surrendered to our frustrations and disappointments. Finally, address your fears with words that empower. Write them down. Use those affirmations to slay negative nelly every time she shows up and to propel you towards taking action.

Next week be sure to read Reposition Your Position – Part 2 as I will provide Step-2 in Repositioning Your Position.

Be Inspired,

Hope Fuller, The Hope Strategist™