Re-positioning your position is the process of reviving and renewing the dream you once held for your professional life. In last week’s blog, I shared a bit of my story in doing just that and provided an essential element in creating the change you desire. In Step 1, a renewed mindset is a must; you must actually believe that change is possible.
This week, Step 2 requires you to DREAM BIG! That sounds easy but many times we talk ourselves out of our dreams because we don’t feel they are practical…however, you should be unreasonable in the pursuit of what you want because practicality has kept you in a rut. If you can’t see it, you won’t be able to achieve it. Once you have created a vision, identify goals that support it. In doing this, you develop a path to make your dreams a reality. It also has a positive impact on self-confidence because by taking action, you demonstrate to yourself that you are no longer willing to play small in your life.
As this quote warns “Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become…habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character”.
Your dreams are thoughts. Let them inspire you to take action and create your dream career.
Next week be sure to read Reposition Your Position – Part 3 as I will provide Step-3 in Repositioning Your Position.