Let Go of Regret!

I can’t tell you how many years I wasted living in regret. Regretting that I dropped out of college… regretting that I didn’t negotiate the salary that I knew I was worth…regretting that I ate the whole pint of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey ice cream in one sitting!

It was easy to get distracted by what did not work according to my plans or to focus on the missteps I took that seemed to lead me further away from my ideal life.  I needed to let go of what didn’t work out…let go of past disappointments…let go of past failures and focus on my future. When I was clinging to the regret of having dropped out of college, my Sister sent me a card with a bible verse that read “The race is not given to the swift nor the strong but unto them that endure to the end.” Those words revived me and let me know that my situation was not static; that I had the power to create a new reality for my life. So, for anyone reading this, if you are still holding on to the disappointment of past failure and have allowed those situations to keep you stuck in a rut, let it go. You can finish strong!

Be Inspired,

Hope Fuller, The Hope Strategist™