In Search of Awe

I was cleaning out my camera phone, getting rid of videos and pictures that were taking up storage on my phone and I came across this photo that I had taken from my dining room window one evening. Its a view of the sun setting and I recalled being in my living room, working on some project, and looking toward the dining room window at the rear of my house and being awed by how beautiful the setting sun was. I walked to the window and just stood there, mesmerized.  For that moment, awe changed my perspective. I was no longer distracted by what I needed to finish before I went to bed, but was focused on the fact that I was connected to God, who is the creator of such beauty. To me, that connection is the embodiment of hope and knowing that continues to inspire me to create and pursue new dreams.  So to everyone that is reading this, look for opportunities in your everyday life to be awed because I know that awe breeds hope. 

Ignite the Hope Within!

Hope Fuller, The Hope Strategist