Give Yourself Credit!

Personal accomplishment is a gradual process.  Unfortunately in the past, I had a hard time recognizing the achievement taking place in my life because I was so focused on getting to the “destination” that I failed to acknowledge the steps of success along my journey.  When I look back on my life, I can say that I spent so much time being anxious because I wasn’t “there” yet. “There” was an undergraduate degree…an advanced degree…a life changing career…home ownership…my dream car; you know what I’m talking about and you probably can insert your own “there.” My discontent was also driven by me comparing my life to those that seemed to have it together.

Fortunately, I learned the importance of extending compassion to myself and giving myself credit for the growth that was occurring in my life. I now see that what caused my angst in the past…the journey, is the root of my pleasure in the present.  Those steps forward were driven by determination and led me to a life that is meaningful. They have also become the blueprint for the programs that I have created to help women with big dreams and big goals take ownership of their hopes. So for anyone reading this and can relate, recognize your achievements and give yourself credit.

Be Inspired,

Hope Fuller, The Hope Strategist™